Gift Box Posip Garbinada, Dingač Tramontana 2X | Madirazza

Gift Box Posip Garbinada, Dingač Tramontana 2X is intended for fans of red wine Dingač. For those who like to refresh their mouths with top quality white wine! You can read more abotut Posip grape variety

Pošip Garbinada 5BF (1 bottle) is a wine in which fragrant notes of tropical fruits are intertwined with notes of wildflowers. Each sip provides a fine balance between fruity aromas and minerality.

Dingač Tramontana 6BF (2 bottles) is a wine characterized by notes of cherries from the compote. It is followed by aromas of soft, dried plums and figs, a little maquis and just a touch of dark chocolate.

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